Celebrate Being a Girl

By admin - December 29, 2012

The world may be hostile to the idea of women’s dignity and her freedom to choose who she wants to be but waiting for the world to change for us would be underestimating our own power!
We can complain about men, who leer at us, pass lewd remarks, or touch us the wrong way, who deny us the right to education, who demand dowry, or who like to curtail our freedom, but unless we stand for ourselves change will stay a remote hope.
Love and be proud of who you are. Celebrate your girlhood!
Some will tell you that your tight jeans is provocative. Some will term you a slut if they see you in skirt. Others will raise serious objection to your sleeveless avatar. Some will even question the way you do your hair. Damn ‘em all. Wear what you like wearing. Step out with all your pride and flaunt your style! Carry a hand mirror to give yourself an occasional appreciative look to remind men around that you have dressed up for yourself, not for ‘em.
Demanding your share of space in this patriarchal society is inviting more diktats. Make your own place at home, in the class, at work, and even on the streets that feel dominated by men. Arm yourself with knowledge and education. Chase your dreams with all your charm. Learn and exercise a kick or two, if that helps. Let the world know that you are no less.
Dance in defiance to those who can’t see you happy. Who think your place is restricted to kitchen and bedroom. Who question your character if you are spotted outside your residence after sunset. Lift some addictive tunes, choreograph your own steps. Let those hair fly, and body roll. While drums do the singing, girl! you seize the dance floor.
Don’t utter a word against them or their diktats, they will tell you. Don’t live in fear, scare the supposedly fearless instead. Know and fight for your rights. Be your own force. Be your own voice! When you speak up many more voices will join,  and give that invincible power to yours.

READ: More Poetry on Women by Ramna Sharma

To kick start the celebrations, read this poem by Ramna Sharma.

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